PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案

文章分享 12个月前 gaufebg
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PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案。


PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案 PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案 PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案 PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案 PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案 PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案 PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案 PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案 PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案

Simple open source self-hosted file sharing solution.
It’s an alternative to paid services like Dropbox, WeTransfer.

  • No accounts, no logins
  • Mobile friendly responsive interface
  • Supports many and very big files (Streams ftw)
  • Resumable up- and downloads (
  • Set an expire-time for your upload bucket
  • One-time downloads
  • Download all files as zip/tar.gz archive
  • Modal-style file preview
  • Requires Node >=7.4 or use --harmony-async-await flag
  • Password protected download list (AES)
  • /admin Page lists bucket information, Screenshot (disabled until you set adminPass config value)
  • Lightweight Vue based frontend apps. Gzipped (on by default) less than 65k
  • Explicit named bucket IDs with query param sid=<myBucketID>

See the blog posts about PsiTransfer: and checkout the Documentation

PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案




$ docker run -p -e PSITRANSFER_ADMIN_PASS=secret -v $PWD/data:/data psitrax/psitransfer
# data volume needs UID 1000
$ sudo chown -R 1000 $PWD/data

Specify the version by using image tags e.g.:

  • latest: corresponds to master branch
  • 1: latest stable 1.x.x
  • 1.1: latest stable 1.1.x
  • 1.0.0: exact version

Manual, precompiled

# Be sure to have NodeJS >= 7.4
$ node -v

# Download and extract latest release package from

# Install dependencies and start the app
$ NODE_ENV=production npm install
$ npm start

Manual, from source

# Compile the frontend apps
$ cd app
$ npm install
$ npm run build

# Install dependencies
$ cd ..
$ npm install
$ npm start


There are some configs in config.js like port and data-dir.
You can:

  • Edit the config.js (not recommend)
  • Add a config.production.js where production is the value from NODE_ENV
  • Define environment Variables like PSITRANSFER_UPLOAD_DIR


public/upload.html and download.html are kept simple.
You can alter these files and add your logo and styles.
The following elements are mandatory:
common.js and respectively upload.jsdownload.js as well as <div id="upload"><div id="download">
Please keep a footnote like Powered by PsiTransfer 🙂


Psitransfer uses debug:

DEBUG=psitransfer:* npm start

Side notes

  • There is no (end-to-end) payload encryption (yet).
  • Download all as ZIP does not support resuming the download.

🌟 Contribution is highly welcome 🤘

Want to say thanks and buy me a beer? PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案

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版权声明:gaufebg 发表于 2023-08-02 17:57:35。
转载请注明:PsiTransfer 简单的开源自建文件共享的解决方案 | 0660HAO海丰网